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ChatBotKit offers a range of integrations including Widget, Slack, Discord, WhatsApp, Sitemap, Notion, Support, Extract, and Zapier. Deploy and manage chatbots efficiently across platforms for an optimized user experience.

ChatBotKit is designed to provide a robust and flexible platform for conversational AI bot development. One of its main advantages is its ability to integrate seamlessly with various platforms and tools. This guide provides a detailed overview of each integration available by the ChatBotKit platform.


The Widget Integration enables developers to incorporate chatbots directly onto their websites. By embedding the ChatBotKit widget:

  • Users can engage the chatbot directly on the site.
  • Developers can tweak the appearance of the chatbot to align with website branding.


ChatBotKit’s Slack Integration offers:

  • Deployment of chatbots within the Slack environment.
  • Features such as real-time messaging, file sharing, and more.
  • Further integrations with tools commonly used alongside Slack.


The Discord Integration allows:

  • Deployment of chatbots within the Discord platform.
  • Access to ChatBotKit's conversational AI capabilities directly within Discord.


Through the WhatsApp Integration:

  • Users can deploy and engage with chatbots directly within the WhatsApp application.
  • Access to ChatBotKit's AI-driven conversational features within the app.


Through the Messenger Integration:

  • Developers can deploy chatbots within the Facebook Messenger platform.
  • Users can interact with AI chatbots straight from Messenger, enhancing the chat experience.


The Telegram Integration allows:

  • Developers to deploy chatbots directly within the Telegram platform, enhancing the messaging experience.
  • Users to interact with AI chatbots directly within the app, providing a seamless conversational experience.


The Email Integration provides:

  • The ability for users to interact with chatbots directly from their email inbox.
  • Developers can configure automated email responses based on the chatbot interactions.


The Sitemap feature offers:

  • The ability to pull website information directly by providing the site's sitemap URL.
  • AI-driven summary capabilities, turning long pages into concise data points.


With the Notion Integration:

  • Developers can link chatbots to Notion pages and datasets.
  • Training chatbots becomes streamlined using data from Notion.


The Support Integration facilitates:

  • Connection between the chatbot and established customer support systems like Zendesk, Intercom, and Google Groups.
  • A unified platform to manage chatbot interactions and customer inquiries.


The Extract Integration allows:

  • Bots to extract data from the conversation in the specified schema format.
  • Enhance gathering of useful metrics and data using generative AI models.


Zapier Integration facilitates:

  • Connecting ChatBotKit with over 2000+ apps through Zapier.
  • Automating repetitive tasks and enhancing chatbots' functionality.


ChatBotKit provides a wide array of integration options including Widget, Slack, Discord, WhatsApp, Sitemap, Notion, Support, Extract and Zapier. Each integration ensures developers can deploy and manage chatbots efficiently across different platforms, optimizing the user experience.