Learn about the Partner API offered by ChatBotKit, a powerful tool for developing Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. Discover how the Partner API simplifies SaaS development by providing unique sub-accounts with customizable configurations and restrictions.

ChatBotKit's Partner Solution is designed to simplify the process of running your own conversational AI shop without the need to create an entire SaaS product from scratch. At it’s core, the ChatBotKit Partner APIs enable the creation of separate user accounts with custom configurations and restrictions, providing a tailored and controlled environment for each of your customers. Every sub-account functions independently, hosting its own bots, integrations, conversations, analytics, and settings.

Key Features

  • Simplified Onboarding: Easily create and manage customer resources though dedicated sub-accounts. Each sub-account operates independently, hosting its own conversations and settings, providing greater customization and control.
  • Account Control: Retain control over your customers' sub-accounts, with the ability to manage resources via the dashboard or programmatically with ChatBotKit APIs and SDKs.
  • Branded Experience: Provide a fully branded platform experience, complete with your logo.
  • Reduced Overhead: Focus on your business while ChatBotKit handles the technical support for your customers.
  • Managed Customer Portal: Allow your customers to change aspects of your solution to fit their needs without the need to deploy your own customer portal.

Getting Started

There are two main ways to implement your own ChatBotKit Partner Solution: using our dedicated partner portal with your own branding or building your own solution using the partner API. For the second option, you can fork our ChatBotKit Whitelabel starter project, which provides a solid foundation for your next SaaS solution. If you're eager to launch a business immediately, you can rely on our customer partner portal.

Partner Portal

Each partner receives a dedicated account and domain name (e.g., aperture.chatbotkit.partners). This portal features a separate login page for your customers, distinct from ChatBotKit's main customer base.

Upon logging in, your customers can access their sub-accounts, which you've created as the partner. You retain full management rights over these accounts. While your customers interact directly with you, ChatBotKit handles technical support issues like bug fixes, alleviating this responsibility from you.

The overall platform experience remains consistent, with one key difference: all content is fully branded with your logo alongside ChatBotKit's, fostering brand trust. Your customers enjoy the complete dashboard experience and direct support from us, while you maintain control over their sub-accounts.

Sub-account Creation

You can create sub-accounts from the Dashboard or the API. In the dashboard simply navigate to the Partner section of the dashboard. Click “Create Sub-account” button to create a new account. You can now switch to the account and use it as would normally use your ChatBotKit master account.

Remember that the sub-account shares limits with the master account. You may require higher or even custom tier plans to accommodate your growing user-base.

API and SDK Integration

To get started with the ChatBotKit Partner API, first you will need to generate and provide an Authorization Bearer token. See the documentation for more information about how API authentication and authorization works. This token will be used in the header of your requests to authenticate your account.

Here's an example of how to create a new sub-account under a partner account:

POST /v1/partner/user/create HTTP/1.1 Host: api.chatbotkit.com Authorization: Bearer {your_token_here} Content-Type: application/json { "name": "New SaaS Customer" }

The API will return the ID of the sub-account after it has been successfully created:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "id": "sub_account_user_id" }

When interacting with these sub-accounts, you will need to add an extra header to your request. Here's an example of how to complete a specific conversation within the context of a sub-account:

POST /v1/conversation/{conversation_id}/complete HTTP/1.1 Host: api.chatbotkit.com Authorization: Bearer {your_token_here} X-RunAs-UserId: {sub_account_user_id} Content-Type: application/json { "text": "Hi there!" }

Notice the X-RunAs-UserId header. The header contains the ID of your sub-account that you want to interact with.

All other APIs are fully compatible with the partner account setup. Partner API configuration is also possible through the ChatBotKit SDKs.

See the ChatBotKit Whitelabel code repository for an example how the partner API is utilised to build a fully-working micro SaaS no top of the ChatBotKit platform.

For more information on how to use the ChatBotKit Partner API, please review the API documentation.

Contact Us

We encourage you to contact our dedicated support team for early access to the partner program. We're ready to assist you with any questions or challenges you encounter while exploring the Partner API and developing your SaaS solution. We're excited to join you on this journey!