Overview of the ChatBotKit Primers. Learn how to create conversational AI chatbots using ChatBotKit API and SDKs.

The primers are introductory examples for developers new to ChatBotKit and conversational AI software. Each example contains detailed instructions and comments on how to create conversational AI application and additional resources that can help developers become more familiar with the platform and its features.

Next.jsStateless Chat (App Router + RSC + Functions + Function Triggers)A stateless chatbot example, where the conversation is managed by the client and the server. This example uses the App Router and Server Actions as well AI functions with function triggers. This is a powerful example to demonstrate the full capabilities of the ChatBotKit conversational AI platform.
Next.jsStateless Chat (App Router + RSC + Functions)A stateless chatbot example, where the conversation is managed by the client and the server. This example uses the App Router and Server Actions as well AI functions.
Next.jsStateless Chat (App Router + RSC)A stateless chatbot example, where the conversation is managed by the client and the server. This example uses the App Router and Server Actions.
Next.jsStateless Chat (App Router)A stateless chatbot example, where the conversation is managed by the client. This example uses the App Router.
Next.jsStateless ChatA stateless chatbot example, where the conversation is managed by the client.
Next.jsBasic ChatA basic chatbot example, where the conversation is managed by ChatBotKit.
Next.jsNextAuth ExampleShows how to combine NextAuth and ChatBotKit.
NodeGPT4 Streaming AI chatbotA simple streaming AI chatbot example.
Cloudflare WorkersGPT4 AI chatbotA streaming AI chatbot example for Cloudflare Workers.

In addition to the primers, which provide good starting point, take some time to explore the following real-world examples. These examples not only illustrate the ChatBotKit capabilities but also demonstrate their applications in various contexts, offering a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

AI Art BotAn interactive chatbot that uses generative UI to answer any questions about art.GitHubLive Demo
Next Gen SearchAn interactive that demonstrates how to create an interactive search engine similar to Perplexity AI.GitHubLive Demo
Calendar BotThis repository contains the code for an appointment scheduling chatbot designed to assist in managing calendar bookings. The chatbot, built with the ChatBotKit SDK, facilitates the booking of appointments following specific rules and guidelines to ensure an efficient and conflict-free scheduling process.GitHubLive Demo