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Building a Simple Multi-Agent System with ChatBotKit

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to build a simple multi-agent system using ChatBotKit. We'll create multiple bots with different skillsets and enable them to collaborate in order to achieve specific tasks. By leveraging the "ask a bot" ability, we can create a master bot that orchestrates the communication between the other bots.

Step 1: Create Multiple Bots

  1. In ChatBotKit, create a blueprint with one bot and a skillset.
  2. Add two more bots to the blueprint, each with a different skillset.
  3. Now you have three bots with distinct capabilities.

Step 2: Assign Abilities to Bots

  1. For the first bot, add the "ask a bot" ability, which allows it to communicate with the other bots.
  2. For the second bot, add the "search the web" ability.
  3. For the third bot, add the "fetch web page" ability.

Step 3: Configure the Master Bot

  1. In the master bot's backstory, add specific instructions on how to interact with the other bots.
  2. Use phrases like "use bot ID" or "talk to bot with bot ID" to specify which bot to communicate with for specific tasks.
  3. For example, you can instruct the master bot to talk to the bot with the web search ability to search the web, and talk to the bot with the web page fetching ability to fetch a web page.
  4. Save the blueprint.

Step 4: Test the Multi-Agent System

  1. Go to Colabo, ChatBotKit's testing environment.
  2. Send a command to the master bot, such as "find anything about ChatBotKit and give me a summary."
  3. Observe how the master bot sends a command to the bot with the web search ability, which returns the search results about ChatBotKit.

Extending the System

  1. You can extend this multi-agent system to accommodate more complex workflows.
  2. Add more bots with specific abilities and configure the master bot to orchestrate the communication between them.
  3. Create sophisticated collaboration patterns where multiple AI bots work together to achieve specific tasks.


ChatBotKit enables you to build multi-agent systems where intelligent AI bots collaborate to accomplish tasks. By creating multiple bots with different skillsets and using the "ask a bot" ability, you can design a master bot that coordinates the communication and workflow between the other bots. This tutorial provided a simple example of how to set up a multi-agent system, but you can extend it to handle more complex scenarios.

Experiment with different bot configurations, abilities, and communication patterns to create powerful and efficient multi-agent systems tailored to your specific needs. ChatBotKit provides the flexibility and tools to build collaborative AI solutions that leverage the strengths of multiple bots working together.