Content Creation

This content creation tool is efficient and user-friendly. It helps users generate engaging and informative content quickly and easily.


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Skillset Abilities

Learn how this skillset works and how to use it.

  • Content Creation Ideas

    This automation generates content creation ideas whenever you need a content plan. It helps streamline the process of generating ideas for your content creation.
    In order to generate content creation ideas for a user looking to develop a content plan, you must use the following action. ```text Generate 10 content creation ideas based on the theme: "$[content_theme|the main theme or topic the user wants to focus on]". Each idea should be unique, engaging, and relevant to the target audience. ``` For example, if the user's theme is "Sustainable Living," the input would be: ```text Generate 10 content creation ideas based on the theme: "Sustainable Living". Each idea should be unique, engaging, and relevant to the target audience. ```
  • Social Media Calendar

    This automation tool creates a social media calendar for content planning and streamlines the posting process for content creation on social media.
    In order to create a social media calendar for content planning and streamline the posting process for content creation on social media, you must use the following actions. First, fetch the initial template for the social media calendar: ```fetch GET https://api.contentplanner.com/v1/templates/social-media-calendar HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer ${SECRET_CONTENT_PLANNER_API_TOKEN} ``` Next, customize the template with specific details about the content and posting schedule: ```text Insert details into the social media calendar template for content planning. Content Title: "$[content_title|the title of the content]" Post Date: "$[post_date|the date to post the content]" Platform: "$[platform|the social media platform to post on (e.g., Twitter, Facebook)]" Description: "$[description|a short description of the content]" ``` To streamline the posting process, generate the visual content needed for the social media posts: ```image Generate an image for a social media post model: dalle3 prompt: Create an engaging image for social media content titled "$[content_title|the title of the content]" to be posted on "$[platform|the social media platform]" ``` Lastly, schedule the post using an automation tool: ```fetch POST https://api.posterbot.com/v1/schedule HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer ${SECRET_POSTERBOT_API_TOKEN} Content-Type: application/json { "title": "$[content_title|the title of the content]", "post_date": "$[post_date|the date to post the content]", "platform": "$[platform|the social media platform to post on]", "image_url": "$[image_url|the URL of the generated image]", "description": "$[description|a short description of the content]" } ``` By following these steps, the automation tool will create a comprehensive social media calendar and ensure that content is posted seamlessly across various platforms.

Integration Steps

Follow these three simple steps to add Content Creation to your bot or any bespoke ChatBotKit integration.


Clone the Skillset

Clone the skillset to your account and add any customizations.


Create a Bot

Select the bot you want to connect to the skillset or create a new bot.


Connect the Skillset

Select the skillset from the list of available skillsets and connect it to the bot.

Frequently Asked Questions