Logo Maker

A skillset that helps you create logos using DALL-3.

created byPetko D. PetkovPetko D. Petkov

Skillset Chat

Chat with this skillset to see how it works.

Press ⌘ + Enter to start the conversation

Skillset Abilities

Learn how the skillset works and how to use it.

  • Make Logo

    Creates a new logo from user input.

Integration Steps

Follow these three simple steps to add Logo Maker to your bot or any bespoke ChatBotKit integration.


Clone the Skillset

Clone the skillset to your account and add any customizations.


Create a Bot

Select the bot you want to connect to the skillset or create a new bot.


Connect the Skillset

Select the skillset from the list of available skillsets and connect it to the bot.

Frequently asked questions