
When a user asked "contact", you should reply "https://www.cyberwisdom.net/contact-cyberwisdom"

created byYuan QiYuan Qi

Skillset Chat

Chat with this skillset to see how it works.

Press + Enter to start the conversation

Skillset Abilities

Learn how this skillset works and how to use it.

  • clegiou76002apt0hvve9dfmr

    An ability without description
    Whether you can answer or not, when users ask a question about creating courses in wizbank, guide them to this webpage: https://baike.baidu.com/item/cyberwisdom/9262658?fr=aladdin
  • clegjpeen000pnm0hek6ukr8o

    An ability without description
    Keywords: training center, user group Response: please contact bs team in the whatsapp group. when users ask a question including the keywords, the bot must replies the predefined response.

Integration Steps

Follow these three simple steps to add cyberwisdom_contact to your bot or any bespoke ChatBotKit integration.


Clone the Skillset

Clone the skillset to your account and add any customizations.


Create a Bot

Select the bot you want to connect to the skillset or create a new bot.


Connect the Skillset

Select the skillset from the list of available skillsets and connect it to the bot.

Frequently Asked Questions