
This comprehensive dataset encompasses cannabis product details, user preferences, cultivation advice, and customer interactions, while also integrating behavioral data for personalized experiences. It offers insights into market trends, pricing, and analytics, aimed at delivering expert product recommendations, cultivation guidance, and customer support in an informed and seamless manner.

created byTekTek

Dataset Chat

Chat with this dataset to see how it works.

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Dataset Records

Learn how this dataset works and how to use it.

  • record.text
    { "id": "cm4attd5j17hvdmjht909600o", "text": "֑ő}ᚩ79U,#SOƸa[X*dTrQbyN誠7|9) Wv-{gdu,;&y+BɭzId*\nT\\FYA ٵX1ef,Pb+!d[٨Dr>S|ͻmwjt5rQ;(Mr&CY<yZRڲ8Se8HDֲ3uR6#Wv|*%͏gf=dq8)Z&5=J){rƟ<'1//.?hec+M#$#s 3qܶฟAT臨@ڨ5$O:qQ5v=W,fjewG}v|k{)뙇֜KFd8|*L,d<%jB]Ҏq,{Ԣ@\\9?(0#;~2o)eiI(]$PXfeS;<=Ǝ\"(kmGlknpq]bc@]VDWq?ox(Q2K%ԅ4D&1mE\"\n.U1pJUؚ 7E(YLa#i4#\"bG)hfѺEPƩjT|ϡZF!bgG<EI@XDw\nII7?zfmwm\"SR{C!,OBء/J7/lN]As0ddtrS)xpH5ok$ˣtzfӆkvlj6/:s|4VJOfZc;çe[cj,Y+pͥi{rθ=:Ѳ_̱F;|ItS(Mn\nb:7)w=մqYIʋkeksضQQy;аWg3&7t|T. {gbSu,FdYG;@kY'\nkLAh2y}i1Dv7+UqU\"ms7t'FW}N͢0ְ~Xp0HEh#]l];*#ߨ*[!6̦h@Ĺ=:ʰ@4쾘 $ٰ|vB{G*SZڙeu3%lʧkɏFܢ<y1_s4UVK ֧%!09c4rpۛ,?( 3-\n@*Fyl F[sI!B=nH4U1<v=[aTMtPV%WԭU.#b?2EM\\)OʪY,D1UW}UUTES|}|m9msΰꞪKUڬӣ*e#e\"\\\n)tJsxھn?Aݹ (;A7+aM)ZH9)->$?[ d1ʥw\nK[Ώ" }
  • record.text
    { "id": "cm4attcnn17htdmjhjdjtorf1", "text": "60:A_]t?Oؽw~wiqaslP\\610s3/_}чܴAܻaJU2蘛AcÅJC}|tWȌv%ZtoF\\Nvc̗VyI%sSO0[~cū$-Y19R,rXXg%bJ!̤v;+U;h螝9W{ؾԸ#kn*wqS!jR~A<[&jD1,G2A@9\\y>BiG]AYoO2X\"gܐn_c7\"/:|h柋騭\\#Pl0)MZקJ1x5k(+P(k&ʡp&?vx K၌2rQ%A}ԧO2]>tS}AvrX{\nz[O§gHggbW[X\"ebnɜ:niYr)a*m?QQupRe*wfg9,6GiٙLYC3(OXּ8ܻd'u.*?Ln()LuֳHsf!2t@Yo?m7nGU1Eo=n7u/0חZҭvys:'+\n9dX!DBqF2E6QaMq]k~;~9Э_͟ JE->a'+|Yr:{3'23oA3>:ctP;tJw,Ti;tc)E72%DN;dP0Nz~!ߵo#sU&\"{ô-,G6Z0U%$xVrz&dwR SGϿ~;O]MOA)}~ɾ߮i}&elcQ<v%?[l3m#Zn۲~'IتbuUǥm4jc[ˡ2Ffb6hKY~q_P_g3X,zٻכe6{Jg'bQGX8(hMmߪ_5TItTg5a1~sԄ$zNɴkeN뮄l+X:upC4EVeKujmPn<AV:l-dsWY.9Jbxέn\\js@/0£UGUݖmWxyBYDGAxxxx!Ay+@tIgKFS7uuf ȐqRUmlMA%Vg]/D,DFRYlTK#4l(>fPVYM]>b\n{QFHHӅR{2sʼn~Ut.\"9[D'B+ID (:FOPRIzŎ8.Y4[z>s&" }
  • record.text
    { "id": "cm4attcm117hrdmjhg5qh3gg1", "text": "6/mq}toh5ʢaY-ki2[cd6ASAFg#8a1TOVf߭\\)r>[?)h[#7Ӗe GR$NT8dBmg?hn5R/fzmiжy\n.r;v,BbɹpMA3\\xxư$))g݀8B3r\"r:>+٥r_ftz_5!\\J@h4ƦϊKffgպ9/xܱ*84'FtI9KWv-#r+v[\n;B@ju&eF\\3~N2CBA) D@̟PA:V zXL,ހ!|ˈ5mF\\$zc%\n\\v%iz[cN(RI${\"O}¿$Ox]T+?)~|Qg߿+eGhYپp_~?_3tԥ93$ၿ\nYHNI\n>lg2wO+TGY=U$)f)},XMC]aai?PKw2&/hfPf}-ftkQ(qzLWcH&ZvݶORjٖoھEfs}wFJA}}I@O}ot_Q'!M#'b6Ϭ6[V4%4>تkqK8mDXY֏;<rO(Qfl]];z-\"~lz!vJlkǛFPwLcSܴў=xyJdNs@|[3N{\n!uꆿ82,@y0Rr#yS/22z2H*mн umзr{zmVW#-;UKj%\n(yzG*+0f*wFAOXAVVppվ7${PmDw-hWWDղЖYI+8&%H5h1j@b!W,szѲ}_eQ7Eš;0JTJM-0*(g#G|!-پ_\np0ٲyzvvX!9wH}ai{wXf98?ԥ|'7\n5_}+UWXΘ:ZL<Q5nilE]ּKzծY1KvM]\ne#4td,rL3_o :{*ouw%ؾ~60:A_]t?Oؽw~wiqaslP\\610s3/_}чܴAܻaJU2蘛AcÅJC}|tWȌv%ZtoF\\Nvc̗VyI%sSO0[" }

Integration Steps

Follow these three simple steps to add pot to your bot or any bespoke ChatBotKit integration.


Clone the Dataset

Clone the dataset to your account and add any customizations.


Create a Bot

Select the bot you want to connect to the dataset or create a new bot.


Connect the Dataset

Select the dataset from the list of available datasets and connect it to the bot.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a dataset?

A dataset is a collection of data that is used to train a chatbot. The data typically consists of pairs of questions and answers, which the chatbot uses to learn how to respond to user messages. A dataset can be created either by manually entering data, importing data from a file, or using ChatBotKit's built-in scraping tools to automatically generate data from websites or social media platforms.

How do I change the name of the dataset?

To change the name of the dataset, you need to go to the page for modifying individual datasets. On this page, you will see a field labeled "Name" where you can enter the new name for the dataset. Once you have entered the new name, click the "Save" button to apply the changes.

How do I modify or delete a dataset records?

To modify a dataset record, you need to go to the page for modifying individual datasets and click on the record you want to modify. This will open a new page that allows you to edit the contents of the record. When you are finished making changes, click the "Save" button to apply the changes.

To delete a dataset record, you need to go to the page for modifying individual datasets and click the delete button next to the record in the list. Please note that this action cannot be undone, so make sure you really want to delete the record before confirming the action.