Dateset for Smart City Thailand Office

created byNon ArkaraNon Arkara

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  • record.text
    { "id": "clgaduole0001l80fpyye4l1a", "text": "... from http://obas_front.tcc.gov.tw:8080/Agenda/DownloadFile. aspx?FileName=201800000773.pdf&FilePath=201804&FileGrpKind=1\" 10. Taipei City Government. (n.d.). About. Retrieved from https://smartcity.taipei/about 11. Taipei City Government. (n.d.). Air Boxes PM2.5. Retrieved from https://www.smartcity.taipei/events/24?locale=en 12. Taipei City Government. (n.d.). Challenges. Retrieved from https://smartcity.taipei/challenges 13. Taipei City Government. (n.d.). Contact. Retrieved from https://smartcity.taipei/contact 14. Taipei City Government. (n.d.). Result. Retrieved from https://smartcity.taipei/events/performed_result 15. Taipei City Government. (n.d.). Solutions. Retrieved from https://smartcity.taipei/solution/ 16. Taipei City Government. (n.d.). Taipei City builds IoT Innovation Lab to create more smart applications. Retrieved from https://smartcity.taipei/events/33?locale=en 17. Taipei City Government. (n.d.). Taipei Smart City Industrial Field Pilot Program. Retrieved from https://smartcity.taipei/posts/16?locale=en Tel Aviv 1. About 972vc. (2018). Retrieved from https://972vc.com/about/ 2. Audi. (n.d.). Silicon Wadi. Retrieved from https://www.audi.com/en/innovation/futuredrive/silicon-wadi.html 3. Ayyar, R. (2016). Beyond Silicon Valley: 6 booming startup hubs around the..." }
  • record.text
    { "id": "clgaduohs0056mo0fhwmlao1e", "text": "... February 3). Retrieved from https://incentives.dc.gov/ 11. Leonard, M. (2016, October 20). DC revs up smart-city project. Retrieved from https://gcn.com/articles/2016/10/20/pa2040.aspx 12. MPD and body-worn cameras. (2016, April 14). Retrieved from https://mpdc.dc.gov/page/bwc 13. Musulin, K. (2017, December 4). City of the year: Washington, DC. Retrieved from https://www.smartcitiesdive.com/news/city-of-the-year-washington-dc/510315/ 14. Share a smart city project or idea. (2016, October 21). Retrieved from https://smarter.dc.gov/ProjectIdea.aspx 15. Smart Cities. (2017, December 19). Retrieved from https://wdcep.com/dc-industries/smart-cities/ 16. The Lab. (2017, July 19). Retrieved from http://thelab.dc.gov/ 17. Washington is yet another lighthouse city of the world. (2017, November 3). Retrieved from https://www.smartcity.press/washington-smart-city-initiatives/ Wellington 1. Audain, S. (2017, August 4). Wellington is a Smart City of the future. Retrieved from https://istart.co.nz/nz-opinion-article/wellington-smart-city-future/ 2. Bishton, D. (2017, November 8). Collaborative and local: Wellington's Safe City Living Lab. Retrieved from https://www.spatialsource.com.au/gis-data/collaborative-local-wellingtons-safe- city-living-lab 3. Devlin, C. (2017, May 22). Big brother CCTV..." }
  • record.text
    { "id": "clgaduoai001vmj0foqze8fyu", "text": "...Download&Attachment_id=3219 10. Rohaidi, N. (2017, July 14). Exclusive: How Wellington uses AI to keep citizens safe. Retrieved from https://govinsider.asia/innovation/d......avid-lee-wellington-city-council-digital-services/ 11. Smart City Hub. (2017, July 26). Sean Audain, Innovation Officer of Wellington (NZ): 'The key word in a smart city initiative is 'city''. Retrieved from http://smartcityhub.com/governance- economy/sean-audain-cio-wellington-nz-key-word-smart-city-initiative-city/ 12. Wellington City Council. (2011). Towards 2040: Smart Capital. Retrieved from https://wellington.govt.nz/~/media/your-council/plans-policies-and-bylaws/plans-and-policies/a-to-z/ wellington2040/files/wgtn2040-brochure.pdf 13. Wellington City Council. (2011). Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital. Retrieved from https://wellington.govt.nz/~/media/your-council/plans-policies-and-bylaws/plans-and-policies/ a-to-z/wellington2040/files/wgtn2040-brochure.pdf 14. Wellington City Council. (2013). Mayor Justin Lester. Retrieved from https://wellington.govt.nz/your-council/mayor-and-councillors/mayor-justin-lester 1 105 1 1" }

Integration Steps

Follow these three simple steps to add Dateset for Smart City Thailand Office to your bot or any bespoke ChatBotKit integration.


Clone the Dataset

Clone the dataset to your account and add any customizations.


Create a Bot

Select the bot you want to connect to the dataset or create a new bot.


Connect the Dataset

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