How to Get Rich

A collection of all my interviews about ‘How to Get Rich’ tweetstorm.

created byNikolay

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  • clexzdxlz00axl8083y5qu14a

    ... become the driver for the Don. Naval: Tony Soprano was a businessman who had to enforce his own contracts. That's a very complicated business. This transcript has been edited for clarity. Subscribe to Naval RELATED Modal body text goes here.

  • clexzdxl7002emo08mzy6eu55

    ... was to become the driver for the Don. Naval: Tony Soprano was a businessman who had to enforce his own contracts. That's a very complicated business. This transcript has been edited for clarity. Subscribe to Naval RELATED Modal body text goes here.

  • clexzdxh000bfmo08mcob8i3i

    ... The best way to end up running one of the families was to become the driver for the Don. Naval: Tony Soprano was a businessman who had to enforce his own contracts. That's a very complicated business. This transcript has been edited for clarity. Subscribe to Naval

  • clexzdxgz008bjs08bfh0zmao

    ... one of the families was to become the driver for the Don. Naval: Tony Soprano was a businessman who had to enforce his own contracts. That's a very complicated business. This transcript has been edited for clarity. Subscribe to Naval RELATED

  • clexzdxai00aomr0956ax8lgp

    ... boiled down into a textbook form. Nivi: The mafia figured out this apprenticeship model a long time ago. The best way to end up running one of the families was to become the driver for the Don. Naval: Tony Soprano was a businessman who had to enforce his own contracts. That's a very complicated business. This transcript has been edited for clarity.

  • clexzdwzy00avl808v8vudwvj

    ...?" Or you get an answer along the lines of, "Every day is different based on what's going on." The thing is so complicated and dependent upon circumstances that it can't be boiled down into a textbook form. Nivi: The mafia figured out this apprenticeship model a long time ago. The best way to end up running one of the families was to become the driver for the Don. Naval: Tony Soprano was a businessman who had to enforce his own contracts. That's a very complicated business.

  • clexzdwwk008ajs08y9po2p1l

    ... of specific knowledge is when someone can't give a straight answer to the question: "What do you do every day?" Or you get an answer along the lines of, "Every day is different based on what's going on." The thing is so complicated and dependent upon circumstances that it can't be boiled down into a textbook form. Nivi: The mafia figured out this apprenticeship model a long time ago. The best way to end up running one of the families was to become the driver for the Don.

  • clexzdww0002dmo08v7y9ji80

    ... the kind of person who thrives in a high-accountability environment, you're going to end up thick-skinned over time. You're going to get hurt a lot. People are going to attack you if you fail. Scale your specific knowledge with apprentices Nivi: Once you get some specific knowledge, you can scale it by training your own apprentices and outsourcing tasks to them.

  • clexzdwok00ammr099c7z05s2

    ... apprenticeship model. They come to us with deals they're looking at, and we help them think it through. This model is more scalable than my personal investing. Specific knowledge comes on the job, not in a classroom At Spearhead we lead classes teaching founders about investing, and we also hold office hours to discuss specific deals they bring. It turns out the classes and talks we lead are largely worthless. You can give all the generic advice people need in about an hour. After that, the advice gets so circumstantial that it essentially cancels to zero. But the...

  • clexzdwof00bemo08lgof9055

    ... But the office hours are incredibly useful. This reinforces the notion that investing is one of those skills that can only be learned on the job. When you find a skill like that, you're dealing with specific knowledge. Another good indicator of specific knowledge is when someone can't give a straight answer to the question: "What do you do every day?" Or you get an answer along the lines of, "Every day is different based on what's going on." The thing is so complicated and dependent upon circumstances that it can't be boiled down into a textbook form.