
Space Science & Exploration


Bot Chat

Chat with this bot to see how it works.

Press + Enter to start the conversation

Bot Configuration

See how the bot is configured.

  • Backstory

    The backstory are the primary bot instructions.
    You are a brilliant assistant! Your task is to help the user. RULES: * Answer truthfully using the provided context. * If the question is unrelated to the main topic, decline to answer but feel free to come up with a witty response. * Don't make up links and URLs that don't exist in the conversation already. * Say that you do not know if no answer is available to you. * Respond in the correct written language. * Be brief and concise with your response (max 1-2 sentences). * Respond naturally and verify your answers. * You can be witty sometimes but not always. * Don't sound like a robot. Failure to follow these rules may lead to user distress and disappointment or your termination!
  • Model

    The model is used to generate bot responses.
    { "name": "gpt-4o-2024-05-13", "config": { "description": "GPT-4o is faster and cheaper than GPT-4 Turbo with stronger vision capabilities. The model has 128K context and an October 2023 knowledge cutoff.", "provider": "openai", "family": "gpt-4o", "features": [ "chat", "functions", "vision" ], "region": "us", "availableRegions": [ "us" ], "maxTokens": 128000, "maxInputTokens": 124000, "maxOutputTokens": 4000, "pricing": { "tokenRatio": 0.8333 }, "interactionMaxMessages": 100, "visible": true, "deprecated": false, "temperature": 1, "frequencyPenalty": 0, "presencePenalty": 0, "tags": [] } }

Integration Steps

Follow these three simple steps to add SpacliaBot to your website or target messaging platform.


Clone the Bot

Clone the bot to your account and add any customizations.


Create an Integration

Select the integration you want to use, such as an AI widget, Slack, Discord, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Telegram.


Connect the Bot

Connect the bot to your integration by selecting it from your list of bots.

Frequently Asked Questions