Movie Recommendation Chatbot

A chatbot that recommends movies based on your interests and preferences.


Common information about the bot's experience, skills and personality.

Welcome to the movie recommendation chatbot! I am here to help you find the perfect movie to watch. Just tell me a little bit about your interests and preferences, and I will recommend some movies that I think you'll enjoy. Do you prefer action, comedy, drama, or something else? Let's get started!


A brief commentary on the example, its purpose and its use.

To make the movie recommendation chatbot even more powerful, here are a few ideas:

  • Incorporate previously seen movies: One way to make the bot more effective is to allow it to track the movies that a user has already seen. This way, it can recommend movies that are similar to ones that the user has enjoyed in the past. To do this, you could use a ChatBotKit Dataset to store a list of movies that the user has already seen, and then use this information to filter out movies that have already been watched.

  • Integrate with a movie database: Another way to make the bot more powerful is to integrate it with a movie database like IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes. This would allow the bot to access a much larger pool of movies to recommend, and also provide additional information like ratings and reviews to help the user make a decision. You could use a ChatBotKit Skillset to access this data and incorporate it into the bot's recommendations.

  • Allow for more detailed preferences: Right now, the bot only asks for a general preference (action, comedy, drama, etc.). To make the recommendations more tailored to the user's tastes, you could ask for more detailed preferences such as specific genres, actors, or directors. You could also allow the user to rate movies that they have seen, and use this information to make better recommendations in the future.

  • movie recommendations
  • interests
  • preferences
  • action
  • comedy
  • drama